How to fill out a payment order (payment slip)?
Filling out the payment order (payment slip) is prescribed by the Rulebook
on the method of payment, allocation and distribution of public revenues in the
Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina ("Official Gazette of the Federation
of Bosnia and Herzegovina", number: 54/20, 55/20-corrigendum, 63/20, 88/20, 28/21, 56/21, 83/21, 1/22, 34/22, 57/22, 76/22, 93/22, 94/22, 10/23, 37/23, 81/23, 23/24, 36/24, 57/24, 80/24 and 99/24).
public revenue payers in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina are required
to fill out a payment order as follows:
1 He/she made the payment
(name, address and phone): Name, or company name, phone number and address
of the natural or legal person filling out the order.
2 Purpose of the
remittance: Brief description of the purpose of the payment.
3 Recipient: Name of
the person to whom payment is made.
4 Place and date of
payment: Specify the place and date of payment.
5 Signature and stamp of
the ordering party: Signature of the person or signature of the authorized
legal entity submitting the payment order. The signature of the authorized
signatories must be deposited in the bank. If the sender is a legal entity, the
payment order must also bear the stamp of the legal entity.
6 Signature of the
authorized person: Signature of the bank or PTT employee who receives the
payment order.
7 Bank stamp: Stamp of
the bank or PTT to which the payment order is submitted.
8 Account of sender:
a) Cash
payment: If the applicant of the payment order pays in cash, this field should
remain blank.
b) Non-cash
payment: If the applicant of the payment order makes a non-cash payment, the
sender's bank account number is entered in this field of the payment order.
9 Recipient's account:
The applicant of the payment order enters one of the public revenue account
10 Amount (KM): Enter the
payment amount in convertible marks.
11 Urgent: If the sender
wants to make a payment through the RTGS system immediately after submitting
the payment order to the bank, this field should be marked with an
12 Taxpayer number: The
applicant of the payment order enters the identification number of the taxpayer
assigned in accordance with the Rulebook on the allocation of identification
numbers, registration and identification and records of taxpayers in the
territory of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina ("Official Gazette
of the Federation of BiH", number 69/17 and 17/18). Legal entities are
registered by PJIB, independent entrepreneur FJIB, non-resident natural person
NJIB and natural person – citizen JMBG.
13 Type of payment:
Indicate the payment using the following numbers:
0 Regular
- Regular payment
1 Compulsory
- Compulsory collection by decision
2 Refund
- All refunds in accordance with the regulations governing the refund of excess
or wrongly paid public revenues
3 Deposit
payment - Payment of funds in the process of selling the debtor's property
4 Shared
revenues - Transfer of public revenues from one account to another or several
14 Type of revenue: Type
of public revenue that is paid.
15 Tax period - From:
This field represents the first day of the period for which public revenue is
paid. The date should be indicated with dd/mm/yy.
16 Tax period - Until:
This field represents the last day of the period for which public revenue is
paid. The date should be indicated with dd/mm/yy.
17 Municipality: When
paying certain types of public revenues, a person enters the code of the
18 Budgetary organization:
Enter the designation of the organizational classification of the budget user
of public revenues.
The code of the organizational classification of the Cantonal Court in Livno
is 14030001.
filling in this field, the payment order allows you to enter only seven
characters, and the organizational code of the budgetary organization in the
treasury system has eight characters. Every fifth character of the organization
code is zero and the system allows it to be omitted.
19 Reference number:
- If
fines are paid, the ten-digit unique standard number of the document printed on
the misdemeanour order form, or entered by the court that issued the decision
on the misdemeanour, is entered in this field. It is mandatory to enter such a
number and it must satisfy the check according to module 11 with weights
- In
this field, enter the number of the invoice, decision, if any, or another
label, which is used for the purposes of keeping additional records.
electronic confirmation of the payment of public revenues through electronic
banking can be accepted as proof of the payment of public revenues only if it
contains all elements of the payment order correctly filled out.
of a correctly completed payment order (payment slip)
you have submitted a request to this court for the recognition of a foreign
court decision, it is necessary to attach proof of the payment of the fee, for
example: in the amount of 150,00 KM. We
will assume that your name is Marko Marković,
that you live at Trg kralja Tomislava b.b.,
Livno, and that your phone number is 034/200-000.
Suppose you were born on 22nd December 1966 in Livno, and
that your unique identity number (JMBG) is 2212966140002.
pay the court fee to the Herzegbosnian County budget account number
1610200033560061, and you make that payment in Livno (municipality code: 055).
It is necessary to enter budgetary organization 1403001 and type of income 722221.
A correctly completed payment order (payment slip) looks like this: