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  • Cantonal Court in Novi Travnik

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  • About the Court
  • Court Staff
  • President of the Court

    Words from the Court President

    With the aim of improving mutual understanding and communication as well as implementation of existing legal obligation regarding public and transparent work of the court, via the court website we wish to offer you access to all relevant information concerning the internal organization and work of the court including information about current events which are of the public interest in the process of comprehensive judicial reforms in BiH.

    Information available to you on our website represents a path towards winning citizens trust in courts , equal access to justice of citizens before court and law, efficient and timely ruling of the cases brought before the court in compliance with the Constitution, law and the highest standards of protection of human rights and liberties guaranteed by the BiH Constitution and European Convention on protection of human rights.

    We hope that your visit to our website will result in providing you with information you require. Please do not hesitate to contact us , all suggestions  and/or remarks are most welcome in the aim of improving work of the court jointly and to our mutual benefit.


    Court President

             Katica Jozak-Mađar



    Sudac Davor Kelava

    Osobni podaci:

    Rođen: 14.10.1973.g. u Jajcu
    Oženjen, otac dvoje djece

    Državljanstvo: BiH


    Osnovna škola: OŠ „Petar Kočić“ Mrkonjić Grad

    Srednja škola: ŠC „Akif Bešlić“ Mrkonjić Grad

    Fakultet: Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta u Mostaru

    Pravosudni ispit: 03.06.2006. godine pred Komisijom Ministarstva pravde RS u Banja Luci

    Radno iskustvo u pravosuđu:

    - sudac i predsjednik Općinskog suda za prekršaje u Glamoču od 02.02.2000. do 01.06.2006. godine

    - sudac Općinskog sud u Bugojnu od 01.12.2006. do 01.05.2016. godine

    - sudac Kantonalnog suda u Novom Travniku od 01.05.2016. do danas


    Radno iskustvo van  pravosuđa:

    Stručni savjetnik u Agenciji za državnu službu F BiH – Ured u Livnu od 01.06. do 30.11.2006. godine

    Aktivnosti u strukovnim udruženjima:
    Član udruge sudaca F BiH


    Učešće u radu stručnih konferencija, seminara i dr.:

    Seminari u organizaciji CEST-a F BiH i ostalih pravnih osoba zaduženih za edukaciju sudaca

    E-mail: davor.kelava@pravosudje.ba

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